1500s Spanish and British ships map out the coast of Oregon and lay claim to the land.
1792 American Captain Robert Gray explores the Columbia River naming it after his ship.
1792 British naval lieutenant William Broughton takes formal possession of the Columbia River.
1805 Explorers Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean on the coast of Oregon.
1811 The first permanent settlement is established at Fort Astoria.
1818 Great Britain and the United States agree to joint occupancy of the region.
1829 Oregon City was founded.
1840s Settlers begin to arrive using the Oregon Trail.
1843 Settlers arriving on the Oregon Trail settle in the Willamette River Valley.
1845 The city of Portland is established.
1846 The United States gains control of Oregon Country from the British through the Oregon Treaty.
1848 The Oregon Territory is formed.
1851 Salem becomes the capital city.
1853 Gold was discovered in Oregon.
1859 Oregon becomes the 33rd state.
1872 The Modoc Indian War.
1877 The Nez Perce War occurs with Chief Joseph as the leader of the Nez Perce.
1902 Crater Lake National Park was established.
1937 The Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River is completed.
1999 The New Carissa, a bulk freighter, runs aground at Coos Bay spilling 70,000 gallons of oil into the ocean.