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1000 Leif Ericson discovers the coast of North America.
1497-1499 John Cabot explored the coast of Maine claiming it for England.
1524 Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano sails up the coast of Maine.
1604 Frenchmen Pierre du Guast and Samuel de Champlain found the first European settlement on St. Croix Island.
1607 The first English settlement in Maine is established at Popham.
1628 Pilgrims from the Plymouth colony moved into Maine.
1634 The first sawmill begins operation. Lumber will be a major part of Maine's economy for many years to come.
1652 Maine becomes part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1675 A warfare began with the French and Indians that lasted for 100 years.
1775 Colonists capture the British ship the Margaretta off the coast of Maine.
1819 Maine voted to separate from Massachusetts.
1820 Maine is admitted as the 23rd state.
1820 Potatoes become the number one crop.
1832 Augusta becomes the new state capital.
1863 Soldiers from Maine fight at the Battle of Gettysburg under Colonel Joshua Chamberlain.