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A ball of twine in Cawker City measures over 38? in circumference and weighs more than 16,750 pounds and is still growing.
A grain elevator in Hutchinson is 1/2 mile long and holds 46 million bushels in its 1,000 bins.
Kansas won the award for most beautiful license plate for the wheat plate design issued in 1981.
At Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine waterbeds for horses are used in surgery.
The first woman mayor in the United States was Susan Madora Salter.
At one time it was against the law to serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas.
The three largest herds of bison in Kansas are located on public lands.
Barton County is the only Kansas County that is named for a woman.
Civil War veteran S.P. Dinsmoor used over 100 tons of concrete to build the Garden of Eden in Lucas.
Fire Station No. 4 in Lawrence, originally a stone barn constructed in 1858, was a station site on the Underground Railroad.
Kansas has the largest population of wild grouse in North America.
The graham cracker was named after the Reverend Sylvester Graham (1794-1851).
George Washington Carver, graduated from high school in Minneapolis in 1885.
A hailstone weighing more than one and a half pounds once fell on Coffeyville.
The Oregon Trail passed thru six states, including Kansas.
Russell Springs located in Logan County is known as the Cow Chip Capital of Kansas.
The world famous fast-food chain of Pizza Hut restaurants opened its first store in Wichita.