1513 Ponce de Leon landed in Florida on April 3.
1565 St. Augustine was founded.
1586 St. Augustine is burned by Sir Francis Drake who fails to capture the city
1776-1782 During the Revolutionary War many tories sought refuge in Florida.
1818 It was ceded to the United States by Spain in return for the US assuming Spanish debts.
1823 Tallahassee was selected as the capital of Florida.
1835-1843 The Seminole War was fought it resulted in the removal of the Seminole Indians to Oklahoma.
1845 Florida was admitted to the union as the 27th state.
1865 Florida seceded from the Union. During the war union forces raided the Florida coast a number of times.
1898 Florida was the main point of embarkation for US trips invading Cuba.
1912 The railroad to key west was opened.
1947 The Everglades National Park was established.
1958 NASA began administering Cape Canerval that become the Kennedy Space Center.
1968 Apollo 11 is launched from the Cape and lands on the moon.
1972 Disney World opens in Orlando.