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New York

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Ratification or Admission:  July 26, 1788 (11th)
Present Constitution Adopted:  1777 (last revised in 1938)
State Abbreviation:  NY
State Capital:  Albany
Largest City - Population:  New York City
Origin of the Name:  Originally named New Netherlands by Dutch. In 1664, the area was renamed by the British in honor of the Duke of York.
State Motto:  “Excelsior” (Ever upward)
State Nickname:  Empire State
State Song:  "I Love New York" by Steve Karmen
State Animal:  Beaver
State Bird:  Eastern Bluebird
State Fish:  Brook trout (fresh water), Striped bass (salt water)
State Flower:  Rose
State Fruit:  Apple
State Gemstone:  Garnet
State Insect:  Nine-spotted Ladybird Beetle
State Mineral:  None
State Tree:  Sugar Maple
State Flag:  The flag’s design features the goddess Liberty holding a pole with a Liberty Cap on top. Liberty stands for freedom. At her feet is a discarded crown, representing freedom from England at the end of the revolutionary war. On the right of the flag is the goddess, Justice. She wears a blindfold and carries the scales of justice. Meaning that everyone receives equal treatment under the law.


apples, cattle, corn, eggs, grapes, flowers, fruit, milk, pears, poultry, vegetables.

clays, salt, stone.

book publishing, chemicals, clothing, electronics, food processing, instruments, machinery, metals, paper products, printing, toys.

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