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New Jersey

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Ratification or Admission:  December 18, 1787 (3rd)
Present Constitution Adopted:  1947
State Abbreviation:  NJ
State Capital:  Trenton
Largest City - Population:  Newark
Origin of the Name:  The Channel Isle of Jersey
State Motto:  “Liberty and Prosperity”
State Nickname:  Garden State
State Song:  None
State Animal:  Horse
State Bird:  Eastern Goldfinch
State Fish:  Brook Trout
State Flower:  Violet
State Fruit:  Highbush Blueberry
State Gemstone:  None
State Insect:  Honey Bee
State Mineral:  Franklinite
State Tree:  Red Oak
State Flag:  The State flag is buff colored- buff and blue are New Jersey’s state colors. It’s been said that General George Washington chose those colors after he was stationed in New Jersey during the revolutionary war. The design of the flag shows the New Jersey state coat of arms emblazoned in the center. The shield has three plows with a horse’s head above it. Two women represent the goddesses of Liberty and Agriculture. A New Jersey state flag ribbon at the bottom includes the year of independence in 1776 and reads: “Liberty and Prosperity”.


horses, chickens, eggs dairy nursery products,asparagus, eggplant, lettuce, blueberries, cranberries.

curshed stone, sand and gravel

chemicals, clothing, detergenents, food processing,pharmaceuticals.

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