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The Rockville Bridge in Harrisburg is the longest stone arch bridge in the world.
Kennett Square is known as the Mushroom Capital of the World.
The first daily newspaper was published in Philadelphia on Sept. 21, 1784.
Drake Well Museum in Titusville is on the site where Edwin L. Drake drilled the world’s first oil well in 1859.
Betsy Ross made the first American flag in Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania is the first state of the fifty United States to list their web site URL on a license plate.
In Philadelphia in 1775 Johann Behrent built the first piano in America.
Stewartstown hired its first police officer in 1876. He was also the town lamp lighter.
KDKA radio in Pittsburgh produced the first commercial radio broadcast.
Each year on Christmas day the “Crossing of the Delaware” is reenacted at Washington Crossing.
Pennsylvania is the only original colony not bordered by the Atlantic Ocean.
Benjamin Franklin founded the Philadelphia Zoo, the first public zoo in the United States.
Philadelphia was once the United States capital city.
During the depression canned goods served as admission to The Star Theater in Mercersburg.
Pennsylvania has the highest concentration of Amish in the U.S.
The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser was the nation’s first daily newspaper.
The first department store to open in the US was the one known as Wannamaker’s.
In 1883, the City Hotel in Pennsylvania was the first building to be lit with Thomas Edison’s three-wire system.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has the highest density of haunted houses in the U.S.
The U.S. Mint in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the first federal building erected under the Constitution.
Pennsylvania has more than 200 covered bridges, the most that any state has in the country.