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Minnesota has 90,000 miles of shoreline, more than California, Florida and Hawaii combined.
Bloomington and Minneapolis are the two farthest north latitude cities to ever host a World Series game.
The Hull-Rust mine in Hibbing became the largest open-pit mine in the world
Minneapolis has more golfers per capita than any other city in the country.
The first open heart surgery and the first bone marrow transplant in the United States were done at the University of Minnesota.
The world’s largest pelican stands at the base of the Mill Pond dam on the Pelican Rive.
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is the largest urban sculpture garden in the country.
The Guthrie Theater is the largest regional playhouse in the country.
Minnesotan baseball commentator Halsey Hal was the first to say ‘Holy Cow’ during a baseball broadcast.
The Mall of America in Bloomington is the size of 78 football fields.
In Olivia a single half-husked cob towers over a roadside gazebo.
A Jehovah’s Witness was the first patient to receive a transfusion of artificial blood in 1979 at the University of Minnesota Hospital.
Minnesota has one recreational boat per every six people, more than any other state.
Akeley is birthplace and home of world’s largest Paul Bunyan Statue.
Twin Cities-based Northwest Airlines was the first major airline to ban smoking on international flights.