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It is the largest state east of the Mississippi River.
There are over 50 streets with the word 'Peachtree' in their name in Atlanta, Georgia.
It is also called the Goober State because of all the peanuts they grow there.
The first woman US Senator, Rebecca Latimer Felton, was from Georgia.
Georgia has 159 counties, more than any other state east of the Mississippi River.
350 species of birds live in Georgia at some point during their lifespan.
Macon's Wesleyan College was the first university in the world to award degrees to women.
The Okefenokee Swamp is the largest swamp in North America.
Georgia once simultaneously had three governors.
Georgia was home to the nation's first gold rush.
Hart County is the only county in Georgia named after a woman.
All the major lakes in Georgia were man-made.
Georgia is home to the invention of the Cherokee written alphabet.
In 1945, Georgia became the first state to lower the legal voting age from 21 to 18.