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Ratification or Admission:  January 9, 1788 (5th)
Present Constitution Adopted:  1965
State Abbreviation:  CT
State Capital:  Hartford
Largest City - Population:  Bridgeport
Origin of the Name:  From the Indian (Quinnehtukqut), meaning "beside the long
State Motto:  “Qui transtulit sustinet” (He Who Transplanted Still Sustains)
State Nickname:  Constitution State / Nutmeg State
State Song:  "Yankee Doodle” Lyrics: Traditional Folk | Music: From English tune | (“The World Turned Upside Down”)
State Animal:  Sperm Whale
State Bird:  American Robin
State Fish:  American Shad
State Flower:  Mountain Laurel
State Fruit:  None
State Gemstone:  Garnet
State Insect:  European Praying Mantis
State Mineral:  Almandine Garnet
State Tree:  The Charter Oak
State Flag:  On a field of azure blue is an ornamental white shield with three grapevines, each bearing three bunches of purple grapes. The states motto “He who Transplanted Sustains Us” is displayed on a white ribbon. The vines stand for the first settlements of English people who began to move from Massachusetts in the 1630’s.


apples, eggs, milk mushrooms, wood.

clay, sand, stone.

aircraft engines, chemicals. Electronics, machinery, metals, printing, rubber, submarine.

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