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Ratification or Admission:  August 1, 1876 (38th)
Present Constitution Adopted:  1876
State Abbreviation:  CO
State Capital:  Denver
Largest City - Population:  Denver
Origin of the Name:  The state of Colorado was named after the Colorado River
State Motto:  "Nil sine Numine" - Nothing without the Deity
State Nickname:  The Centennial State
State Song:  “Where the Columbines Grow” | Words by: A.J. Flynn | Music by: A.J. Flynn
State Animal:  Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
State Bird:  Lark Bunting
State Fish:  Greenback Cutthroat Trout
State Flower:  Rocky Mountain Columbine
State Fruit:  None
State Gemstone:  Aquamarine
State Insect:  Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly
State Mineral:  Rhodochrosite
State Tree:  Blue Spruce
State Flag:  The Colorado flag consists of three alternate stripes of equal width and at right angles to the staff, the two outer stripes to be blue of the same color as in the blue field of the national flag and the middle stripe to be white, the proportion of the flag being a width of two-thirds of its length.


cattle, chickens, corn, flowers, hay, lamb, milk, sheep, vegetables, wheat, wool.

coal, diamonds, gold, lead, natural gas, petroleum, sand, silver, stone, uranium, zinc

Chemicals, clothing, electronics, machinery, printing, rubber products, scientific instruments.

For addition information check the listings below pertaining to this state

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