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Ratification or Admission:  December 14, 1819 (22th)
Present Constitution Adopted:  1901
State Abbreviation:   AL
State Capital:  Montgomery
Largest City:  Birmingham
State Motto:  “Audemus jura nostra defendere” (We dare defend our rights)
State Nickname:  Yellowhammer State / Heart of Dixie
Origin of the Name:  From the Alabama River, itself named after the Alabama people. Based on the Choctaw word albah amo meaning “thicket clearers“
State Song:  “Alabama” | Words by: Julia S. Tutwiler | Music by: Edna G. Gussen
State Animal:  Black Bear
State Bird:  Yellowhammer
State Fish:  Largemouth Bass
State Flower:  Camellia
State Fruit:  Blackberry
State Gemstone:  Star Blue Quartz
State Insect:  Monarch Butterfly
State Mineral:  Hematite
State Tree:  Longleaf Pine


cattle, chickens, cotton, dairy, eggs, fruit, peanuts, soybeans, vegetables, wood.

bauxite, clay, cola, natural gas, petroleum, sand, shale

chemicals, clothing, electronics, food processing, furniture, lumber and wood products, metal, paper products, textiles.

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